Thursday 31 March 2022

The Guilty Tester - Podcasts - Month 3 - Learning Challenge 2022

Over at the Guilty Tester Podcast I have embarked on the challenge of listening to TOO MANY technical podcasts in a tight timeframe.

Here is a list of the podcasts and the accompanying links.

1. Test and code: Exploratory Testing - Feb 8th 2022

2. Test Guild Automation Testing Podcast: The Reality of Testing in an Artificial World with Angie Jones:194

3. The Evil Tester Show: Automation Biases - Episode 16

4. Testing One-on-One with Rob Lambert and Joel Montvelisky : E33 - The Pitfall Of Estimations And How (try To) Avoid Them

5.Testing Peers Podcast Episode 50 - community

6. Quality Coaching Roadshow : Episode 17 Quality Coaching Roadshow - with Abby Bangser

7. That's a Bug! Episode 13. Is your last name True?

8. AB Testing podcast - Episode 155: Quality Coaching with Anne-Marie Charrett.

9. RBCS-Free Webinar: Discussions Testers Should No Longer Be Having - Two Points of View at Two with with Rex Black and Mike Lyles

10. Software testing unlocked: Tests to find bugs

11. Tech Tales . The Asus Eee PC. from 27 feb 2022.

12. Tech team weekly - complexity is killing software developers. 

13. Freedom matters: Working solo - Rebecca seal. 

14. Test Guild by By Joe Colantonio: The Complete Software Tester with Kristin Jackvony

15. Testing Peers: Episode 51- Persuasion.