Sunday, 22 October 2017

How many columns do you need on your scrum board?

How many columns do you need on your scrum board?
I saw this conversation come up on a slack channel discussing Agile Testing and I almost replied, but I realised I was about to rant, so I started putting it into a blog post. Here's the end result. Hold on,  it's predictably ill-informed and rambling.

So... How many columns do you need on your scrum board?
Well, I have worked in a team where we essentially had (TODO, In Progress, Ready for Release, Done). I think in a place where you aren’t in control of releasing whenever you want, that’s the best I would want. I always want to treat (DEV+TEST+CODE Review) as just, ‘Doing the thing.' So that should all be one column, in my opinion, for what it's worth. And it's worth a great deal in this tiny space of the internet remember, because I'm in charge.

So, over time I'd grown to believe that fewer columns meant a team working closer together and that's what I always wanted to strive for. And then I was working with a team where we had (TODO, in progress, Ready to Test and Tested) and  I found myself campaigning for more columns. Which obviously I should hate myself for.

But I had a good reason. The developers would throw everything into ready for test, but the deployment to our test environment required collaboration with other teams and a bucket load of manual steps. As a result, we would have things which had been put into ready for test which would sit there for almost a week before they were even built never mind deployed to a place testers could see them.

It was frequently being stated that we didn’t have enough testers, or that we were being made to work on other things. Basically, according to this point of view Test was proving to be a bottleneck in the process. From my perspective, our main problem was that we couldn't actually get our hands on things to test.

So we introduced discussing separating up the board to distinguish between dev finished and ready to test. Normally I would be arguing for just getting the team to work closer or get everyone in the team understanding what could be done to make it quicker to get things to test after the development was finished.

Sometimes, however, some people in the team are reluctant to change, and your last resort is to get the board to accurately reflect reality. This can help highlight issues. You can strive in general to work a certain way but certain circumstances lead you to want to something totally opposite to that.
Can I tell you that this worked, that the team worked better? Actually, it's difficult to say. The end result wasn't where I learnt my lesson.
Can I tell you, with hindsight, that I support my decision to argue for this change to the board? Yes. Totally.
Did the situation mean that I think that every board should have separate 'ready to deploy to test' and 'ready to test' columns? No, not at all.
So, how many columns do you need on your scrum board?
As few as possible, until you need more than that.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Dave with some real life examples of different board setups. You make a good point in that having the separate columns could help highlight the fact that as a team you're handing off work rather then seeing it together to done.

    I've campaigned for Test/Ready for Test columns in the past too but you learn from you mistakes!
